RG Johnson Group COVID-19 Statement
RG Johnson Group staff are following the current advice from government regarding safe working to minimise the spread of COVID19. The safety of our staff and clients is of the upmost importance.
Below we have set out our COVID 19 Safe Working Policy
Close Working
RG Johnson Group will remind the workforce of the specific control measures necessary to protect them, their colleagues & families. Workers who are unwell with symptoms of Coronavirus (Covid-19) should not travel to or attend the workplace.
Avoid skin to skin and face to face contact. Where the social distancing measures cannot be applied, the number of workers involved in these tasks will be minimised. Where the social distancing measures cannot be applied, workers should work side by side, or facing away from each other, rather than face to face. Where the social distancing measures cannot be applied, workers will wash their hands before and after using any equipment.
In an emergency, for example, an accident, fire or break-in, people do not have to social distance if it would be unsafe. Social distancing guidelines employed by the company follow government guidance of 2m or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable.
Isolation & Ill coworkers
Anyone who has a high temperature or a new persistent cough or has a recent loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia) should NOT come to site & follow the guidance on self-isolation.
Anyone who is a vulnerable person (by virtue of their age, underlying health condition, clinical condition or are pregnant) should NOT come to site & follow the guidance on self-isolation.
Anyone who Is living with someone in self-isolation or a vulnerable person should NOT come to site & follow the guidance on self-isolation.
Personal Hygiene
Individuals must not touch eyes, mouth or nose with unwashed hands, particularly after coughing or sneezing. Hands should be washed with adequate soap or sanitiser immediately. Hand hygiene procedures should be in place and communicated to all employees, focus around coughing and sneezing into tissues which are disposed of in closed lid bins.
RG Johnson Group will allow regular breaks to wash hands. We will provide hand sanitiser (minimum 60% alcohol based) where hand washing facilities are unavailable. We will also ensure adequate supplies of soap and fresh water are readily available and kept topped up at all times.
PPE and Face Coverings
If required, re-usable PPE will be thoroughly cleaned after use and not shared between workers. If required, single use PPE will be disposed of so that it cannot be reused. Face Coverings are different to PPE and are optional for staff, they will not be used as an alternative to the other control measures set out within RG Johnson Group’s risk assessment.
Should operatives choose to wear face coverings staff should ensure to wash hands before and after wearing one whilst avoiding touching your face or face covering, as you could contaminate them with germs from your hands, such Coverings should be changed should they become damp or be touched.
Travelling To & Driving at Work
Wherever possible workers should travel to site alone using their own transport. RG Johnson Group will put consideration into how someone taken ill would get home. If workers have no option but to share transport, the journeys should be shared with the same individuals and with the minimum number of people at any one time. If workers have no option but to share transport, good ventilation should be used (i.e. keeping the windows open) wearing of face masks and facing away from each other may help to reduce the risk of transmission.
If workers have no option but to share transport, vehicles will be cleaned regularly using gloves and standard cleaning products, with particular emphasis on handles and other areas where passengers may touch surfaces.